Samuel Graham

Samuel Graham was born in 1941. From 2 or 3 years of age, he observed/celebrated the 7th Day Sabbath, New Moon Days, Feast Days (Passover, Feast of Unleavened, Feast of Weeks, Feast of Tabernacles) with his family.  No pagan holidays ever celebrated. 

Sam was baptized/immersed into Yahshua the Messiah at the age of 14 by Elder Earl Bigford, who baptized C. O. Dodd. 

His first ministerial opportunity was at the age of 18 at the Passover Service (when Pastor Pearl T. Smith could not attend).  He has had the opportunity to immerse believers into Yahshua the Messiah from Michigan, Florida, Georgia, and Idaho, to Toronto, Ontario and Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada.

Sam has been married to his beloved wife Connie for 62 plus years and blessed with four sons.  He worked full time while serving Yahweh as pastor, elder, and editor of The Faith magazine, retiring from the Michigan Department of Transportation.  He is still serving in the above capacities and still in the battle for truth.