“ . . . in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets . . .” (Numbers 10:10). Also see Numbers 28:11. What is the beginning of the month and its significance? As believers of the Scriptures, let us consider some of the evidence.
In the Scriptures we find that the word “chodesh” is translated “new moon” and “month;” so when a day of the month is spoken of, such as in Exodus 12:6, we know it must be speaking of a day of the new moon, and that the new moon begins the month. For further proof that the new moon begins the month, read 1 Samuel 20, verses 24 and 27. Here we find that the day after the new moon is the 2nd day of the month.
We find by observation, almanacs, etc., that the moon is seen from day to day with varying degrees of light. It appears to us at different times either all lighted, partly lighted, or not lighted at all. At the time of the conjunction, when the earth, moon, and sun are in line, we see no light in it. This happens once a lunar month. This is the time almanacs, etc., give as the time of the new moon. We see the moon shortly after this time, in the west after sunset, as a thin crescent of light.
It is believed that new moon day is this day when light can first be seen. We read in Genesis 1:14 that the LIGHTS in the firmament of the heaven are for signs, seasons, days, and years; and in Psalms 104:19, He appointed the moon for seasons (“seasons” in both verses being translated from the word “moed” meaning set times or appointments). So we calculate our years, months, annual Sabbaths, and feasts in accordance with the new moon day being the first day of the month, and one new moon day being the first day of the year.
Should we observe the new moon day in some special way today? We read in Colossians the second chapter of the period of time in which we are now living. That is — the age since the Messiah, Yahshua, has died for our sins and gone to heaven, and before He comes again to earth to receive His own. We read in the 14th verse that His death blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way; but we read in the 17th verse of some things which ARE (present tense — still here — not done away with) a shadow of things to come. In the 16th verse we find mentioned feasts, new moons, and Sabbaths. Individually, we must decide for ourselves what we will do.
Let no man defraud you of your reward . . . intruding into those things which he has not seen (18th verse). We should let no man judge us nor should we judge (16th verse and Romans 14:4, 10, and 13th verses) how others in the faith (Romans 14:1) observe; but surely we in the faith SHOULD OBSERVE Yahweh’s days and ways. It is man’s new moons, sabbaths, and feasts that Yahweh hates; not His own (Isaiah 1:13, 14). Surely these rulers of Sodom and Gomorrah were not observing Yahweh’s days. We are warned of one who will think to change times and laws (Daniel 7:25). Man has set up his own time for when to start his years and months, and his own days to celebrate such as: Sunday, All Saints Day, New Years Day, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. We are to observe Yahweh’s ways —- not man’s.
If Yahweh’s people had always been faithful in observing the new moon day, they would know exactly how to calculate it today.